Monastery Stay | Mongolia

What are the main local customs?

What are the main local customs?

What are the main customs that should be respected by visitors.


- Stand on the threshold when entering the Ger/house

- Refuse offered drink or food in the Ger/house (it's customary for Mongols to offer tea and food as a welcoming gesture)

- Whistle inside a Ger

- Lean against the pillars in the Ger

- Throw water or rubbish into the fire (fire is sacred)

- Touch other people's hat or especially, man's head

- Walk over the Uurga (horse catching pole)

- Point at someone with a single finger

- Urinate in any waters in nature such as lakes, rivers, streams ever (Mongolians consider water to be sacred)

- Spill milk/dairy in rivers, wells, lakes

- Talk or joke about bad things that may happen

- Estimate travel hours as drivers believe it brings evil on the trip

- Ask for the names of big mountains while the mountain is still in sight

- Say thank you too much or for small gestures


- Greet people when entering the Ger

- Give/receive presents with both hands

- Try to speak Mongolian even it's just Hello (sain bainuu?), Thank you (Bayarla!) or Bye (bayartai!)

- Enter or leave Ger through the left

- Accept food or drink with your right hand or both hands

- Receive the snuff bottle and gently loosen the top without removing it

- Bring some small gifts such as stationary for children

- Always get on horseback from the left

- Watch over your wallet/purse. Pick pocketing is common in crowded places

- Shake the hands of someone who you have accidentally bumped feet with